Driving around on the weekend I saw hundreds of signs, paintings, and words of hope all over the town and more than ever I am seeing a sense of community here in Okotoks!

This is amazing because if we don’t have a community, then what do we really have? Well, it’d be pretty boring for sure. But supportive social networks have been found to protect us from stress and feeling like we belong somewhere is one of the key components of a meaningful life. Flip it around and being on the outside or unable to be a part of something can feel alienating and isolating.

If you need help make sure you reach out!
-Call a helpline LINK
-Text COVID19Hope to 393939
-Check one of the support groups on FB 

Foothills COVID-19 Volunteers

Stone Soup Okotoks

High River and Area Community COVID-19 Quarantine Resource ForumHigh River and Area Community COVID-19 Quarantine Resource Forum