We've been isolated for about 2 and a half months now. 😳

That's a lot of time to try new things, binge watch TV, reach out to old friends, finish old projects and much more.

I've been working from home during this so I've stayed pretty occupied but I have found a lot more time to incorporate new things into my routine.

I feel like isolation could have very well turned me 100% into the slob that is alive and well within me lol.😅

BUT I think I have flourished a little bit! (I am writing this as I am wearing my old college sweatpants, so this is a very modest brag.)

This is some of the things I've started doing since isolation began (all very small things mind you. haha.):

1. Started flossing. (My gum disease is a thing of the very recent past now!)

2. Started lotioning everyday. (Ya, I saw a video of a woman that was 80 years old and she looked 40 and her secret was lotioning everyday so that was enough for me.)

3. Started drinking more water. (My skin is clearer and my bladder always full. Living the good life y'all.)

4. Wash my hands more. (I mean I wasn't a disgusting human being before all this happened but defs realized I should be washing my paws more!)

I don't know why it took me to be isolated to add these things into my life (maybe more time? Like all the time?! lol) but I'm glad I did and I hope they stick once life kind of returns to normal and I'm back in the office!

What are some things you've started doing during this time that you will continue doing post isolation?

Started playing an instrument? Continue to work from home? Started going for a walk everyday? Making more time for the kids? Baking? Texting friends more?

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Happy Daysssss!

~Shayne on Midday 😄