Well, it's official I've survived the first week of my new fitness journey! 

You think I'm being dramatic but honestly, I'm so out of shape survival was an actual concern of mine. lol.

Now, for those that don't know I'll be working out with Motion Fitness for the rest of 2022! Fun, right? 

They have MAJORLY hooked me up for the year and I'm so excited because I've wanted to get into better shape for a while now but it's just hard, life get's in the way, you make excuses, you're always tired. I get it, I 100% get it. 

But I'm finally changing it up with Motion Fitness Okotoks and I want you to join me! Let's be workout buddies lol.

Whether you're a gym nut that works out 5 to 7 days a week, the person that if someone asked you about the gym, you'd answer "who's he?, or anyone in-between, you'd be the perfect gym friend for me! 

Sign up to Motion Fitness today and let's make 2022 ours! 

I'll keep you updated with my journey on the Okotoks Ford Morning show as well as with the #ShayneGetsFit but feel free to keep me updated with yours!

And seriously, if you ever want to hit up Motion Fitness Okotoks together just shoot me a text on our High River Toyota text line (403)-938-0652 and we can go together! 

~ Shayne