The transition from a classroom environment to learning at home has been an adjustment for students and their families.

Learning has taken a shift to a more online based approach with parents trying to help their kids with their material.

Bobbi Hunter, Principal at Dr. Morris Gibson School, says parents were sent a 'learning from home' guide so they can ease into the role of becoming teachers.

"We recognize that it is a challenge for parents. They didn't sign up to be teachers necessarily. We've been at it for a long time and have learned tricks of the trade as we've gone along, they have not necessarily been in a situation where they are leading the learning," she explains. "So, as much as it's planned for them they're still managing the time and managing the space and having to set up a routine and that can be tricky when you're not used to that."

Scott Flintoft, Vice Principal at DMG, says they see success for students with routine in school and recommends that routine takes place in the household as well.

Parents are also told not to hesitate and reach out to teachers if they have questions.

Hunter and vice principal Flintoft say it will be interesting to see how education shifts once students can head back into classrooms.

"We called it differentiated practice, so we're using support from online pieces... All of those things that we've known about and have used relatively well but maybe not universally, I think we'll see more of that happening as time goes on."

"With that piece that Bobbi said, I'll be interested to see where that online learning happens, especially with the elementary school, now that we have teachers and parents that are just a little bit more comfortable with online learning, but I think that piece of relationships has really been hit home since we have had this distance," Flintfot adds.

According to Flintfoft, students have expressed how much they miss school and being with their friends and teachers, which reinforces how schooling goes beyond academics.


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