The Town of High River is putting an additional $9,092.94 into the pump track in the northwest part of the town.

Mayor Craig Snodgrass says there were some cost overruns because of labour and  material shortages and council wasn't too upset with the extra money.

"We approved another about $9,000 to finish off that project because it was a conflict between a couple of the contractors, not something that's foreign to doing a project like that so the pump track (committee) had raised about $260,000 to build that track and in total the Town is into to it for about $60,000 so as far as the Town's concerned we got a great deal."

The extra costs came to 24,212.89.

The Town still had $15,119.95 in the budget for the project, so they just added the extra $9,092.94 to pay it off.

"Thanks to all the volunteers and Jeff Hamilton and his family that organized it and had the vision to put it all together and they're the ones who raised all the money for it so the Town is happy to help contribute to get these projects finished off when they're owned by the community, so very successful and it's a great spot for the kids in High River," Snodgrass says.

HBO also donated $100,000 dollars to the town during the filming of The Last of Us, with $80,000 going to the pump track project.