Golf season is just a few weeks into the past, but one local group wants you to start thinking about next season now.

A new season long tournament is now being offered in Southern Alberta called "Black Wolf Golf."

Spokesman Todd Kuczma says it takes two to tango.

"it's a two man macth play tournament that runs throughout the summer. For 2016 we have two divisions. A gross division which is no handicaps. And a net division which is 75-percent of your net handicap. We're looking for 128 teams in both brackets. Right now our gross division is about 80-percent sold out, while our net division is about 50-percent sold out."

Kuczma says they'll likely be all sold out by the first of December so if you're interested you better get in quick.

It's $100 per-person, and if you win your five matches, you could be playing for a few thousand dollars at Predator Ridge in Vernon in September.

For more information click "HERE."