The annual High River Christmas Bird Count is coming up in December.

Organizer, Greg Wagner, says it's actually coming at a good time as people are definitely looking for something to do.

"This whole birding stuff has been a real saviour for people's sanity. It's a way you can get outside and enjoy it. You can spend some time with your friends if you social distance and that sort of thing. So, it gives you a little contact with people. It gives you something you can enjoy and keep your sanity."

He says for those that don't want to venture out in the cold in December, but instead want to watch their feeders from the comfort of their homes, they need your numbers too.

"Occasionally we have something really neat showing up at the feeders as well. So, we really encourage people to do that. I think it's a really great route for people to participate. Like I say if they're working or for whatever reason don't want to go out in the cold, they can count those birds, send them off to me and that works really well."

The official count day this year is Tuesday, December 15 and Wagner, says the information gathered in this count and others is valuable data for scientists.

He says in the last few years they can point to changes in migratory patterns to one species that had rarely ever been seen in High River.

"It really documents the rise in Eurasian Collared Doves. They first started showing up in the province in the early 2000's. And now they are a real common year 'round resident in High River and we've documented that from zero to probably a couple of hundred pairs in High River, just through the Christmas Bird Count."

If you want to join in on count day, or simply record and send in your numbers, you can call Wagner at (403)333-1200 or email him at


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