Well folks, #LoveLocal has wrapped for the year!

What a wonderful last few months it has been out giving away cash to locals for simply shopping local. (A dream I've had for myself many of times, literally getting paid to shop lol.)

To be honest Love Local came at the perfect time, a time where businesses were struggling in our community.

A time where residents were also struggling, with the pandemic hitting it left a lot of people and business owners hurting financially. 

That's where we came in! Wanting to encourage people that supporting local can help in so many ways.

You're helping business owners directly in our town AND you're helping yourself by giving yourself a chance at winning some money back! (win, win) 

The turnout was amazing! So many phone calls, texts, people stopping in the street to ask what we were doing and giving us a big thumbs up. (what a time!)

I just want to give the Okotoks & District Chamber of Commerce and the River District Business Association a HUGE thank you!

Without them, none of this would be possible. Without them our local businesses wouldn't be looked after as well as they are.

These two organizations help to make local businesses thrive and that's exactly what they helped us to with Love Local!

Let's take a quick trip down memory lane shall we? 

lol oh such great times had together....