Make 2021 the year to DO SOMETHING!

Go on that hike, cook that massive dinner or write that book you have in that noggin of yours! 

If you heard "write a book" and the gears started turning... Jump on that train because it's a wild one! 

Take part in an Authors night to get the gears rolling! This Thursday (Jan 14th) a collection of authors from all around the foothills are getting together to talk about their stories and how they got started in getting their message into a book and beyond! 

I got the chance to catch up with one of the authors taking part, Irma Goosen (a name you may have heard before) 

"The authors night Thursday evening will be streamed live on YouTube. People could go to District 42 YouTube channel."

"They could follow the whole evening and they can learn more about how do you write a book? How do you publish a book? So if anyone wanted to learn more about it, it's starting from around 6:30. So make notes! and start their book that they've had in the back of their minds for the longest time!" 

January 14th, 2021 @ 7:00 pm

It's hosted by the Toastmasters. 
Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs.

Find the link to the video HERE

Find more info HERE