The street sweepers! 

Traveling at the breakneck speed of 8km/h they are the ones keeping us nice and clean after those hard Alberta winters. They will travel every street, passed every house and every business often picking up interesting and bizarre things. 

We have some pretty amazing sweepers in the Foothills! The ones here in town actually have some names

Related Article: Okotoks Street Sweeper Vehicles Receive Official (Punny) Names

These are the tales of one of them in the foothills! 

What's the best part of driving those big machines around? 

I think it’s the best job in the world for dog spotting. Especially right now with everyone out walking and enjoying spring, I get to see SO many adorable dogs.

What's something that fascinates you every time you get sweepin'?

People have some truly beautiful front doors and properties if you take a moment to look. I know it might sound strange, but it’s awesome to get to spend time in parts of town and experience some of the beauty that you might not always notice because people put an incredible amount of effort into their front yards.

Anyone come up to you?

A nice guy stopped some of the crew and gave them some chocolate for a job well done today. One time a guy stopped me and offered up homemade cupcakes while I was out clearing pathways.

Strange things you've picked up?

It’s truly incredible some of the weird things you find in the sweeper pile when we screen the gravel. Last year's most notable were: two doormats, a softball, a 2 foot long 2x4, and a Pokémon card. word on what the Pokemon card was, sorry! And someone might nab that 2x4... that's worth LOTS these days.

As the crews are continuing the clean (and finishing up in some areas) Be sure to move those cars when you see the signs go up in your area! 

If you're in Okotoks check HERE

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