I mean, how could we not share these throwbacks with you! 😂

(^me staring at our pics thinking how cute we all used to be! 😂)

Since you're sending in your 'Back 2 School Smiles' we wanted you to see our smiles when we were back in school!

Life was so simple back then hey? 

Well, we want to make your life a little simpler by hooking you up with some awesome prizes!

Comment your kids back to school photos (even if it's their 6th day back!) for your chance to win a SmileZone Orthodontics swag bag and a one-night stay at West Edmonton Mall with a $300 gift card included all thanks to St. Mary's University! 

Picking a daily winner everyday until September 16th, once you win you're in to win that awesome West Ed trip!

Grand winner will be announced on the 17th.

So send in those smiles! Either comment on this Facebook post OR text them to our High River Toyota text line (403)-938-0652!

Have a great week!


 (P.S. Here's some more of our daily winners!)

Presley had a great day back and thinks his third grade teacher is super fun!

That smile! Piper made me excited for school!

I enjoyed the honesty from Shari's son in this back 2 school pic. LOL.

Love this! Heather's 6 kids were off back to school but so was she! First day of college - way to go Heather!