The union that represents school support staff in the Foothills School Division is upset with what it claims are misleading and inaccurate statements by the division.

School board chair Theresa Letendre wrote to the education minister last month saying FSD wanted the Provincial Bargaining Coordinators Office's mandate loosened to allow it more leeway in negotiations.

The president of CUPE Local 5040, Lesley Cole, says in a statement, she takes that to mean it would be easier to raise wages if support staff were not unionized.

Cole says the last pay hike they had was five years ago and in that time support staff training days have almost all been cut.

Letendre said the PBCO's strict mandate was the main reason for the inability to attract and compensate staff adequately.

But the union claims the roles and responsibilities of the support staff has increased massively since the last negotiations.

It alleges many Educational Assistants have left to pursue different careers because they're burned out, not to move to neighbouring school division.