Just in time for Christmas, the Town of Okotoks is holding another Repair Cafe this weekend Sat, Nov 21st.
Just like most events in 2020 it will be done socially distanced and masks will be mandatory. 

A Repair Café, an initiative originated in Europe, is an event where people in our community can bring broken things from home to be repaired by volunteers, for free!

In order to participate in this Repair Cafe, residents will need to submit a participation form and schedule a time to come down to the Pason Centennial Area.

A wide variety of items are being accepted, including small kitchen appliances, games consoles, small pieces of furniture, and clothing. A 15-pound weight limit is in place (excluding bikes.)

The only items listed as prohibited are vacuums and microwaves.

For more information on the event, including a link to the form, click here.

The Town is also looking for volunteers 

"Do you have handy skills you'd like to volunteer? Or just want to find a way to play a little part in giving back to the environment? We'd love to have you join the team as a fixer coach, greeter or at the registration table."

Get in contact with the team there at the Town!


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