If you're in search of a weight loss program, you may have come across the Keto diet, and be overwhelmed with conflicting information about what the best approach is to achieve your goal.

Andrea Holwegner, Registered Dietician and CEO of Health Stand Nutrition, says sustainability is one of the key factors to maintaining weight loss long-term.

"Different types of diets work for different people, but what I can tell you, as a dietician for close to 18 years now, is that I see very few people ever sustain really restrictive diets that remove a huge amount of enjoyable foods," she said.

Carbohydrates are restricted to approximately 50 grams per day on the Keto diet, which is equivalent to about 1 cup of rice.

Holwenger adds that carbohydrates are the main source of fuel for the brain, therefore, restrictions can lead to many health issues, including obsessions and over-consumption of restricted foods due to deprivation.

She also says it is possible to achieve similar results without the restriction requirements that come with keto program, and could have affects on a person's relationship with food in general.

"What the long term research shows, is weight loss is actually very similar, regardless of the diet you're following. But, anything super low in carbohydrates is going to happen faster, because of the hydration effect. My question, as a dietician, is why would you want to follow something that is so limiting and so restricted, that doesn't model a great relationship with food," said Holwegner.

For clarity, the Ketogenic plan is not a high protein plan, but is low carb, high fat.

Holwegner says sticking to the science and determining if the program is sustainable long term are two of many key factors to success.

"When we look at some of the challenges around the keto diet, it's the sustainability that I'm much more worried about, second, the limitation, coming from a nutrition perspective, we're going to be much lower in things like fibre and vital nutrients we know are found in healthy, plant-based foods. Whole grains, fruits and higher carbohydrate vegetables, all of those are really limited on the Keto diet, leading to some health affects," she said

More information on the Keto program and Andrea Holwegner can be found by visiting https://www.healthstandnutrition.com/ketodiet/