Hey friends! 😃

I don't know about you, but things feeling really optimistic these days. It could be the nice weather, summer holidays on the horizon, the lil' taste of restrictions easing OR that it's just Friday!

Whatever it is, optimism is in the air and our friends over at the Okotoks Optimist Club are all about it!

They're actually in search of the young community members that are helping to create all this positive energy.

We caught up with our friend Amy Giroux, charter president of the Okotoks Optimist Club, to learn all about their newest project called 'Hunt for Optimism'. 

The award is going to be called the 'Okotoks Most Optimistic Award' and that will go to the person the club picks, however, everyone who is nominated will get a little something-something for doing their part. 

Love this. 😍

If you'd like to nominate someone Amy has the details on how to do that.

So get to nominating! Let's celebrate the youth in the Foothills for the outstanding work they've done when it comes to rolling with the punches of this pandemic and remaining positive while doing so! You've got until the end of the month to nominate!

~ Shayne