An Okotoks runner is planning to break the Trans-Canada speed record.

Dave Proctor will attempt to run from Newfoundland to Victoria over the course of 67 days next year.

The plan is to run more than 100 kilometers every day on his way across the country.

"I'm not afraid to run 105 kilometers per day. I'm not afraid of running 7,200 kilometers," Proctor said. "It comes down to the mental prep of how you boil things down. Some say, how do you eat an elephant? Well, one bite at a time."

The current record was set by Al Howie, when he ran coast to coast in 72 days.

Proctor is an ultramarathon runner who has undertaken tasks like this before. He previously attempted to cross the country, from west to east, in 2018. Unfortunately, a back injury forced him to stop just east of Winnipeg.

Over the course of the run, Proctor will be raising money to support research on rare diseases. For Proctor, the matter of finding inspiration is simple, and it comes from close to home. His 10-year-old, Sam, has a rare disease.

"(The route) doesn't scare me, but what does scare me in this world is my personal experience with rare disease," Proctor said.

When searching for a diagnosis for his son, Proctor says it took doctors over six years to diagnose Sam with a disease that affects his balance and mobility. The experience caused Proctor to realize how much support individuals with rare diseases lack in Canada.

"I used to think that our Canadian healthcare system looked after all people, it didn't matter what illness you have," said Proctor. "But if you have a rare disease, if you fall out of the spectrum of what's normal, there's very little for you. Essentially we're told as rare families to go stand over there, and then nobody comes.

"It's disheartening. It's painful," he said.

After Sam's diagnosis, Proctor started Outrun Rare, a non-profit to raise funds for research and support individuals with rare diseases.

On his first attempt across the country, he raised over $300,000. This go-around he's hoping to reach $1 million.

"I've always thought you wake up in the morning, and make the world a better place. And I really think this is my, no pun intended, putting my best foot forward."

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