In the great matchup right now it's a big 1-0 for the COVID "19s" against us mere mortals...

I miss sports. I MISS SPORTS!!!!!!!

Never thought I'd say that to be honest. 

Cue March 12th... We were paralyzed by a pandemic and for a lot of Albertans our escape from reality – sports –  was unable to escape reality with us. “Out of an abundance of caution,” the sports scene has hit an eerie PAUSE button that is equal parts panic and disappointment.

Oilers are done for the season... Dawgs are still up in the air... National sports? I hope you like Esports 

Local youth baseball, hockey camps, even the local martial arts got hacked.

2020 was looking SO good. Such high hopes. Then county leaders pushed the nets off, locked the gates to ball diamonds and made us remember why we love sports so much.

Because they’re the exact opposite of “social distancing,” that’s why.

In the end, just like sports... this is a team effort. The virus will be vanquished, and our beloved sports will burst from this strange hibernation, breathing life again into our lives. But for now, we wait (6 feet apart) with purposeful, patient breaths. It’s not even halftime yet.

I miss sports.

Hopefully, this version of 2020 came equipped with a 6-month free trial. Could anyone please direct me to the part where I cancel.

Anyone wanna play some table ball?


In the meantime... The Dawgs have been hard at work building on and improving the BEST park in the whole league! (not up for debate) Check out the progress below. 
