With 96 new cases of COVID-19 announced during today's provincial update, Alberta's total has risen to 968.

Chief Medical Officer Dr. Deena Hinshaw says much like yesterday, the high number of new confirmed cases is largely due to the high testing volume, with over 4000 tests being carried out in a 24 hour period.

98% of those tests were negative.

32 new recoveries were confirmed, bringing the total to 174.

Two additional deaths were reported: a male on his 90's and another in his 80's.

There are 74 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in continuing care facilities with more expected to be reported in coming days.

65 of those cases are at the McKenzie Towne Long Term Care Centre.

According to Dr. Hinshaw, nine outbreaks have occurred at continuing care facilities in the province.

Several of these outbreaks were declared as a precaution due to staff testing positive for COVID-19, some of who work at multiple different facilities.

Due to these figures, Dr. Hinshaw issued new standards for continuing care facilities, effective today.

Staff and operators are new required to notify public health authorities of any suspected or confirmed cases, and if two or more residents exhibit COVID-like symptoms.

If an outbreak is confirmed at a facility, staff working at multiple facilities must inform their supervisors if they are working at or have worked at the facility in question.

To view the conference, click here.

For more information on COVID-19 in Alberta, click here.


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