The Provincial Government has sent out a release talking about Alberta's economic year.

The NDP say they've fought to protect workers and the Canadian economy in the short, medium and long term.

In the release, the NDP government says they doubled support for petrochemical upgrading to 2.1 billion dollars, which will ultimately create 15 thousand new jobs.

They also cite the purchase of the Trans Mountain Pipeline and the "Keep Canada Working" campaign as milestones for Alberta in 2018.

Renewable energy programs are also emphasized, with 1000 jobs said to be created by upcoming programs.

The release also makes mention of building a new oil refinery in response to what the NDP calls "strong industry encouragement."

This press release comes amid widespread frustration amongst Albertans, which was displayed during a massive protest during Justin Trudeau's visit to Calgary and the many Yellow Vest rallys in recent weeks.

The release also comes as party's are ramping up for the upcoming Provincial Election this Spring.

The full release can be viewed here.


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