It was a big night for drivers in the Calgary Stampede Rangeland Derby as the aggregate and the top eight drivers were decided for semi-final Saturday.

Kurt Bensmiller along with outriders Shawn Calf Robe and Rory Gervais, won the Richard Cosgrave Memorial Trophy after posting the best seven day aggregate time of 8:36.03. It’s the second time in three years that Bensmiller has won the Calgary Aggregate title.

Bensmiller is having a great year winning both the Ponoka Stampede and Guy Weadick Days in High River.

 In addition to Kurt Bensmiller, Logan Gorst, Obrey Motowylo, Chad Harden, Chanse Vigen, Troy Dorchester, Kirk Sutherland and Evan Salmond complete the top eight and will compete in Semi Final Saturday.

Twelve-time Calgary Stampede GMC Rangeland Derby Champion Kelly Sutherland just missed the top eight, placing 9th overall, in his final apperance at the event.

As far as the day results are concerned, top time went John Walters followed by Colt Cosgrave, driving for High River Auto Plex, grabbed second place for the second consecutive night. Mark Sutherland was third, Kris Molle fourth, with Layne MacGillivray completing the top five.

 Okotoks Mark Sutherland was third last night for the day money while High River Jordie Fike was 12th and Jason Glass was in tough at 36th.

In the aggregate standings Sutherland is 22nd, Glass is 25th and Fike is 16th.