The Town of High River took some big steps in 2018 towards getting the Southwest berm built.

The Town hammered out a deal with the landowner, to go with their preferred design of a reverse "S" on the area of land South of 12th Avenue West.

Mayor Craig Snodgrass says he's not going out on a limb and saying when he expects construction to start, as it's still undergoing environmental review by the Province.

"The Southwest berm. You know the big win this year was with the help of a couple of gentlemen, Cam Crawford, Scott Tannas and a couple of others, we got the negotiation done with the primary land owner to secure that property for the right project."

Snodgrass says he'd like to see construction start on the berm this Spring, but he's not completely convinced that will happen on that timeline.

"The application for the design of the berm is sitting with Alberta Environment right now. Now, that's a painful task to get approval out of these guys. There desks are full and you know, you're in line to get this stuff approved. That's the timeline that we're waiting on to get this approval to come through."

The Southwest berm, when finished will be the final mitigation project coming out of the 2013 flood.