The Share the Harvest group hosted their 15th annual fundraising event on October 7.
Crops are harvested by local farmers and sold, with all proceeds going to the Canadian Foodgrains Bank to help alleviate global hunger.
Share the Harvest was created in 2003 by a group of area residents seeking to use their gifts to help the greater good.
"We all recognized that we live in a land of abundance and we felt called to share what we have with others around the world who have less and are struggling to feed themselves and to feed their families," said Shaun Galloway, a director with Share the Harvest. "We're all in the food business and so this was something that was very near to our hearts." 
This year, 150-acres of harvested canola was joined by an additional 150 acres that are sponsored by the community and feature a variety of crops. This initiative, called "Grow Hope," adds community support to further assist the Canadian Foodgrains Bank's efforts.
The Canadian Foodgrains Bank sends aid to over 39 developing countries, including Ethiopia and Syria. Last year, they made $40 million available to developing nations to assist in emergency food resources, training farmers, irrigation assistance and ensuring that people will be able to look after their own food needs.
Attendees of the event met at Kalco Farms for the opening remarks and a free barbecue before the harvest started.
"It's kind of a time of celebration for the people that have gathered together," added Galloway.
The group hopes to raise $80,000 with this year's event.
They are still looking for sponsors for their community Grow Hope project. For more information, or sponsorship oppurtunties, visit the Share the Harvest website.
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