Like pretty much every other municipality in the area, Foothills County has passed a zero increase budget for 2021.

Reeve Suzanne Oel says it was the right thing to do.

"Council and administration have worked to put forward a "hold the line" zero increase municipal operational budget for 2021. We've had to re-allocate and hold off on some projects in order to do this. However, we are going this route in recognition of the difficult times that many residents are going through right now."

However, Oel, says taxes may still go up, but because of other factors no related to the County's operations.

"When it comes time to set the mill rate in the spring however, we will be facing some provincial and requisitioned costs that may add up to a slight increase in taxes, but not on our part."

They include things like policing and recreation.

Oel says the operating budget is around $65 million, with another $17 million in new and continuing capital spending.

She also reminds residents with outstanding tax bills, the last day to pay them and avoid penalties is Thursday, December 31.


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