Financial literacy isn't what it used to be.

In the past people saved, sacrificed, stayed in the same job, lived in the same house, and if they were lucky retired.

High River Financial Planner Amanda Thornhill says the world doesn't work that way anymore.

"We're not just supposed to pay our bills and die. We all have goals and dreams that we want to achieve, but how do we get there? So, making sure you understand how to protect your income. We have to understand how to get out of debt. And so that as efficiently and quickly as possible. Because unfortunately Canada wins gold as the most indebted nation per capita."

Financial Planner Amanda Thornhill says you're never to young to learn about how to manage your money and debt. Photo courtesy, Amanda Thornhill.

Thornhill says it's tough on those just starting out in life.

Just out of school and looking for work, but somewhere along the way, many of us haven't learned the most basic lessons of how to deal with money and debt.

Thornhill says that's particularly true for millennial's.

"A lot of the younger generation has seen that hard work doesn't pay off. That's not the case, but it's just that our money is not working the way it should for us. We have to educate out population on how to do better."

She says it's tougher on young people today as they're coming out of university or other post secondary institutions with massive student debt and no real guarantee of jobs in their chosen field.

She says the lessons many of us were taught that working hard will lead to financial security later in life isn't necessarily true anymore.

She says it's getting tougher and tougher to do as things like defined pension plans dry up in the private sector and the pensions government's provide aren't enough to live on on their own.

Thornhill says one of the biggest problems facing people today is too many of us are listening to lenders who are only more than happy to tell us all our problems can be solved through easy credit.

"We're told, go and get a credit card, but there's no instructions with it, so what do we do? Well, we go out and party, we max it out at the bar and then we decide, "Well, OK, let's go get another one." Learning the differences between your good debt, your fixed debt and your revolving debt, the debt you're never going to get out of."

Thornhill says learning how to handle money properly will pay off down the road and it's important to start thinking that way as early as possible in life.

She's hosting a free seminar called "How Money Works" Wednesday, November 28, at the High River Library running from 6:30 to 8 p.m.