Federal Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre says his party supports sending Liberal child-care legislation to committee for further study.  

Foothills MP John Barlow says he'd still like to see the bill improved.

"I think all Canadians want access to affordable child care but the key to that is a freedom to choose and what the Liberals have put forward is an Ottawa knows best bureaucratic policy that's very restrictive on who can access this federal child care program, it's basically you need to be in a public facility that's 9-to-5, we know that narrow window doesn't work for everyone," he says.

Barlow says they'd prefer if parents could decide who should look after their children.

"That's why when we were in government, we had the universal childcare benefit where funds were sent to families and they could use those funds as they see fit whether it was your next-door neighbor, your aunt, a grandma, a family member of a day home you could use those funds with the freedom to choose what worked best for your family," he says.

Last week the Alberta and federal government's approved moving forward on the next phase of their agreement for the federal 10-dollar-a-day childcare program.

It's expected to create 1,600 licensed private spaces almost immediately.