I've got a bone to pick with some of y'all.

I get fall is right around the corner, and with this cooler weather and school back in session in a few days, I can understand how a lot of people are getting excited about the new season.

(^How fall lovers are acting right now lol.) 

But, like, isn't it a little early for all the Halloween decorations in stores and the Pumpkin Spice Lattes on menus!? (It can officially be ordered here in Canada from Starbucks as of yesterday, August 24th.)

I love fall...I really do, it's actually my favorite season. But let's not forget that it's STILL SUMMER, and it remains that way until September 22nd!

So that means no PSL talk, no sweater weather talk, no Halloween talk, until we properly grieve the end of summer. 

I will allow all fall talk to commence on the first of September, but no sooner. 😂

Am I officially the Grinch...but of fall? 












Anyways....when is too soon to start going into autumn mode? Like when do you start embracing the season?

As you can see, I don't want to see anything before September...heck, if it stays warm until September 22nd, I'd say until then, but I don't think that's the case this year.

What about you? Text me on the High River Toyota text line (403)-938-0652 or comment on Facebook! 

Harrison and I had a friendly debate about it if you'd like to listen:


Long live summer! 

~ Shayne