Despite new COVID regulations, the High River Christmas Bird Count all set for Tuesday, December 14 is still a go.

Organizer, Greg Wagner, says they just had to modify how many people could take part, and how they could travel to get to their locations.

"We're really emphasizing small group size and working with people that are in your own bubble. Taking those precautions is in keeping with the government's new emphasis on restricting activities."

In an email to group members, Wagner spells out the do's and don't's of the count this year.

The count will be carried out in full compliance with applicable provincial and municipal public health guidelines covering the COVID-19 pandemic.

Nobody may participate who is under mandatory quarantine or isolation or is exhibiting symptoms associated with COVID-19.

Provincial health orders limit outdoor physical activities to ten people or fewer, For the High River Christmas Bird Count, no more than three people from different households may bird together and they must always maintain two metres distance from each other. The preferred group size is no more than two people from different households.

Car pooling is not allowed for members of different households.

There must be no social gathering amongst birders at any time before, during or after the count.

To meet these requirements, historic rural and town count areas will be subdivided into groups with no more than three birders, and preferably one or two birds. Identification of new survey areas and the formation of groups will be determined by Group Area Leaders in consultation with participants. After forming groups consisting of household members, the remaining groups should reflect birders’ preference as well as the need to have at least one experienced birder in the group.

Wagner, says one group they're really going to rely on this year, will be what he calls "feeder watchers."

Those are folks who count the species and numbers from the comfort of their homes.

"We have feeder watchers every year, but this year in particular it'll be great, the more people we have participating that way. We always welcome them, but this year they'll play a bigger role in the count."

The official count day is Tuesday, but birds spotted between now and Friday, December 18, can be counted as well.

To get your count lists to Wagner, email him at or you can phone him at (403)333-1200.

Read More: The Annual Christmas Bird Count, Socially Distant Outdoor Fun


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