Calling all you green thumbs! (I say this with a bit of bitterness because I am not a green thumb and I so badly want to be!)

Got a lot of growth in your garden and don't want it to go to waste?

Well the "Canning the Harvest - Green Living Workshop" CAN help you out! (See what I did there.😏)

Jinny T. from the town filled me in with all the details.

It's a webinar put on by the town teaching you how to can/preserve all of those goodies comin out of your garden!

It's gonna be a "kale" of a good time! (lol did it again!)

Things that will be shown how to be canned: carrots, pickles, beets, asparagus, etc.

Things we won't be canning: cheeseburgers. (It's a thing unfortunately.) 




OH. Also they've got a virtual door prize for a lucky winner that attends the webinar, so it's a win win. You get to learn how to preserve your fruits & veggies and could be walking away with some new canning supplies!

Check out all the details HERE.

~Shayne on Midday 

p.s. If anyone is doing pickles and wants to send a jar my way I will happily accept them @ the Eagle 100.9 station. lol okay thx byeeee.