The convoy of truckers in Ottawa has thinned out a bit since the weekend but many remain.

Foothills MP John Barlow agrees with their message and says they just want their concerns about their livelihood to be heard.

They want the vaccine mandate for cross-border travel ended so unvaccinated truckers can take goods back and forth between Canada and the U.S.

Barlow says they've done a good job of getting their message across.

"Walking around the crowd today and yesterday, no problems at all, and certainly they just want someone to know they're being listened to. And myself and many of my colleagues were out there speaking with them the last couple of days and whether the government is going to act on their concerns, certainly from the comments of the prime minister I don't feel that's the case.

"I believe the prime minister continues to sow fear and division and hatred by calling these Canadians, these are hardworking Canadians, and he's calling them racists, misogynists, unacceptable, and that's not the way the prime minister should be acting. He should be finding ways to resolve issues, united Canadians in a common goal," said Barlow.

He also agrees with the message protesters have taken to the Coutts border crossing, but not with their actions.

"I don't support them blocking that border because that is essential for travel and trade and we need that open. So I would encourage those truck drivers that are down there to protest on the shoulders but ensure you keep some lanes of traffic open. We all notice what's going on there, but it's important you also keep the public support that they've been gaining onside, and that will erode that public support if they are being a hindrance."

The MP for the Foothills riding believes if the Canadian government were to open the border, the Americans would too.

"Most of them (truck drivers) do understand that there's a similar mandate south of the border, but somebody has to blink here and we saw it before with travel at the border when Canada lifted its restrictions on cross border travel last year, the Americans followed suit shortly thereafter. So we're hoping that if Prime Minister Trudeau would lift the mandate here, President Biden would follow suit.

"My understanding is the U.S. Mexican border is open to trade, and there's no vaccine mandate on the south side of the border."

Barlow says we don't have the best trading relationship with the U.S. right now and placed the blame squarely on the P.M.

He also thanked members of the convoy who took time to provide a shield around the War Memorial and Terry Fox statue and cleaned up after what he called the small group of protesters who have strewn garbage in the area and defaced the monuments.


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