Oh my gosh...I forgot how much I love being on location for Feeding the Foothills!

It just shows you that even through hard times our community always steps up to make sure everyone is taken care of.

And that my friend, makes me overwhelming proud of our town and puts a huge smile on my face!

This week I got to collect donations with the lovely gals from JEI Tech in High River, an Xplornet authorized dealer, who also were handing out ALL the Xplornet swag! (Nice, hey?😎)

In just three hours we were able to collect $147.15, plus 119 lbs of much needed food donations.


But it gets better....I caught up with Pamela McLean, director of the Okotoks food bank, and she shared the totals we've been able to collect so far.

Check it out:


This is why we love our community! Keep up the generous work everyone!

Leanne and Hannah from JEI Tech with a lovely resident and some of the donations she dropped off!

I also have to give a big shout out to our sponsors: Sobeys Okotoks, Xplornet and GM Mechanical for making this possible! JEI Tech and the Okotoks food bank volunteers for being on location to help collect donations and, of course, our guy Logan for being there as well!

If you'd like to help us Feed the Foothills stop by Sobeys Okotoks this Thursday, (Sept. 24), 3 p.m. till 6 p.m. and donate a monetary or food donation.

No donation is too small!

~ Shayne