The Alberta government is asking for feedback on a new plan for the provincial parks.

They will be conducting a two-phase public engagement process to hear from Albertans, Indigenous communities, community organizations, and park visitors to help develop the plan.

The Plan for Parks engagement period provides an opportunity for Albertans to voice their opinions on topics such as understanding new and emerging trends in recreation and camping, advancing reconciliation, and ensuring environmental responsibility. 

They also want to ensure the parks continue to deliver a positive visitor experience for generations to come.

"Our parks provide truly spectacular outdoor experiences, and we need to make sure their unique beauty is preserved for our children and our children’s children. We want Albertans to share their vision with us, as we create a renewed and modern plan to bring Alberta’s parks into the future," explained Forestry and Parks Minister Todd Loewen in a media release.

The provincial government says that creating new recreational opportunities in the parks will be the top priority of the new plan.

Their new vision will provide additional campsites and will help improve access to outdoor activities, such as kayaking and canoeing.

"More and more Albertans are using parks and public lands and the Friends of Kananaskis is excited by the Alberta government’s commitment to engaging the public on creating and implementing a vision for the future of parks across the province. As a proud partner of the Alberta government for the past 28 years, we look forward to continuing to promote the recreational use and sustainability of our parks and public lands," said the Executive Director of Friends of Kananaskis, Trevor Julian.

The public engagement portion of this plan began on Wednesday, June 19th, and will run for 60 days.

All Albertans are encouraged to provide their thoughts on the government's new vision, guiding principles, and options for the future of parks in Alberta.

This feedback will be used to create a new draft plan which will be shared with the public to ensure it reflects the input they received.

The new Plan for Parks will focus on 78 provincial parks, 193 provincial recreation areas, and 34 wildland provincial parks.

To learn more about the engagement period and provide your input, click here.