It'll be a first for the Foothills.

The Foothills Fetal Alcohol Society is hosting their first ever Office Chair Relay coming up Monday, September 9 at George Lane Park in High River.

Organizer Alaine Kowal says you'll need a team of four, helmuts and a chair or chairs.

"On the pavement, it's a relay race. You pass the office supply to your teammate. First team around wins."

The idea is the teams push their office chair around the road running around the ball diamond, as part of a relay.

First one across the finish line wins the heat.

Kowal says they'll have multiple heats and probably some garbage bins handy, because it's going to be tough on the office furniture.

"Garbage bins will be there, maybe your right, thanks for reminding me, we might need a dumpster for the broken ones."

Kowal, says she wants to see businesses from around the Foothills challenging each other, all for some big time prizes and bragging rights.

"There will be a coveted trophy that they can display for an entire year. And then we'll do again next year. And the winning team receives lunch from JRRR Barbecue."

All the action gets started at 11:00 a.m. with registration beginning at 10:00 a.m.

For more information or to get registered call (403)652-4776 or email Alaine at


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